Oliver Peters <oliver....@web.de> wrote:
> Please believe me I really try hard to understand - but what I don't 
> understand
> is the fact that you can insert in this case:
> PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
> /*
> **success INSERT = yes
> */
>                id                                INTEGER     PRIMARY KEY
>                id_staff_editor                   INTEGER     NOT NULL,
>                FOREIGN KEY(id_staff_editor)      REFERENCES a(id)
> );
> INSERT INTO a(id_staff_editor) VALUES(1);
> The table is empty, there is no record and as far as I understand I'm doing 
> the
> following
> Insert into the field id_staff_editor of table a the value 1 if the value 1 is
> already present in the field id of table a (but in the moment there is no 
> record
> in table a)

The actual implementation is more like: insert the record, then check 
constraints - if they fail, roll back the insertion and raise an error.

> To my mind the concept of Foreign Keys means that you check before 

Why would you want to fail statements that end up not violating any constraints?
Igor Tandetnik

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