Simon, Roger,

Thanks for the replies.

Simon, I took some of your advice and redesigned my script to use smaller
database files at least for my testing.  However, I still run into this
message after starting the second process and my two processes get stuck so
no inserts/deletes occur after that moment.  I'll also google "wal" as you

PHP Warning:  SQLite3::exec(): database is locked in
...populate-traceroute2.php on line 53.  Line 53 below contains

Roger, I read the page you provided, but I think I need to read some more
before fully understanding what I've done wrong.  I didn't mention it until
now, but with my sqlite 2 database and an older version of php I didn't see
this issue last week.  I was working with smaller files then but now even
with small files I have the locking issue.

I would appreciate if anyone can guide me a little more on how to correct
this.  Here are the relevant code snippets.  There are probably more
efficient ways to handle this but I am fairly new to php programming and
only sql, so excuse the mess :)

function getTraceroute($smallDb) {

        while($Results = $smallDb->query('SELECT * FROM tworklist limit 1'))
                $entry = $Results->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
                if (!($entry)) {  break; }

                $query2 = "delete from tworklist where rowid=$rowid";
                echo "result of delete = " . $smallDb->exec($query2) . "\n";

                $query2 = "insert into tresults (rowid,ip,traceroute) values
('$rowid', '$ip','$new')";
                echo "result of update = " . $smallDb->exec($query2) . "\n";

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Roger Binns <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 08/23/2010 08:21 PM, Chad Rebuck wrote:
> > I am new to databases so perhaps there is something very basic I am
> > overlooking here.
> You may inadvertently be causing the busy errors yourself.  Have you
> read this:
> A simple example is if you have a select query in process 1 from which
> you read one result at a time, process and continue with the query:
>   for row in ("select * from db"):
>      ... do work with row ...
> This will block writes in the second process since the select is always
> live.  Workarounds include using WAL mode, gathering all results from a
> select before processing them, and using one thread/process to do the
> database work dispatching work items to child threads/processes.
> Roger
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