On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:23:55PM +0530, Roger Binns wrote:
> On 08/24/2010 09:51 PM, Artur Reilin wrote:
> > I thinking about coding a chat with sqlite. 
> The hard part of implementing chat is not storing the messages, but
> rather dealing with all the clients at the same time especially with
> potentially hostile networking (eg reading data slower than you send it).
> If you want to write one yourself I suggest looking into the Erlang
> programming language.
> Instead of reinventing the wheel, I suggest you use the open XMPP chat
> protocol and open source XMPP servers.  In addition to using any XMPP
> client, you can also use a web based client.


Moreover, because often you'll want to log chats hosted on services that
you do not control, the simplest, most popular, and most interoperable
(though not most reliable) way to log is to do it via "bots".  "Bots"
are automated clients.

The most reliable way to log chats is by modifying the service
implementation or by co-locating logger bots with the service, but this
only works when you own the service (or otherwise can get the owners to
log this way).

Don't reinvent the wheel, just find a suitable open source bot and
modify it to suit your needs.  You might even find some existing ones.
For example, the "Sqlite Users" wiki page [0] lists one exact match,
though it appears to be dead.

Just search for "chat bot logger sqlite", "xmpp bot logger sqlite",
etcetera, and you'll find plenty.  I count at least a handful just on
the first page of results for each of those searches.


[0] http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteUsers
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