My Spanish isn't perfect but it looks like you're running out of file 
descriptors.  I.e. you (or a library or module you are using) is creating file 
descriptors using e.g. open(2) and never close(2)ing them. 

Please forgive typos--I sent this from my smart phone.

On Sep 1, 2010, at 15:34, andres felipe tamayo cortes 
<> wrote:

> Hi i made a program on C language who inserts some data on sqlite database, 
> it works well but after a while (10,15 minutes) it stops to work and throws 
> me this mistake:
> on console:
> <unknown>:11373): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'gtk-ok' for 
> stock: No se ha podido cargar el módulo de carga de imágenes: 
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ 
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ no se puede abrír el archivo 
> de objeto compartido: Demasiados archivos abiertos
> on a window:
> unable to open database file Unable to fetch row
> i dont know what im making wrong, or if maybe is it a mitake of sqlite?
> this its part of my code:
> QSqlQuery inserta;
>               inserta.exec("insert into t1 (voltaje) values (1);");
>                inserta.prepare("insert into t1 (voltaje, direccion) 
> VALUES(:voltaje,:direccion)");//primero preparas la query asi
>              //  inserta.bindValue(":voltaje",dest16[i]);//aca asignas la 
> variable
>               inserta.bindValue(":voltaje",gua);//aca asignas la variable
>               inserta.bindValue(":direccion",addr1);
>               addr1=addr1+1;
>               if(!inserta.exec())
>                  {
>                   QMessageBox::critical(this,"Error al grabar","No se pudo 
> grabar en la base de datos:\n"+inserta.lastError().text());
>                  }
> i hope you can helpme
> thanks!!
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