On 15-09-2010 20:12, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 08:05:26PM +0200, Stef Mientki wrote:
>>  On 15-09-2010 11:36, Benoit Mortgat wrote:
>>> Are you sure that after altering your tables adding columns, natural
>>> join still only joins on vlid?
>> no, very stupid of me !!
>> I added a column to each of the tables, with the same name, they
>> should have the same value, but due to another programming error, the
>> values were different.  again, thank all very much !!
>> That brings another issue to my mind, which I still don't understand:
>> "why can we so easily manipulate complex pages of text, by adding /
>> deleting / copying / pasting etc, and is manipulating of a few tables
>> in a database so difficult?"
> You shouldn't select * and you shouldn't natural joins precisely to
> avoid these sorts of surprises.  Select * is handy for manual queries
> from a shell; ditto natural joins.
> Of course, you can always change your schema in such a way as to break
> existing statements.  But the point here is to write statements such
> that they will be stable in the face of a schema that evolves in a
> backwards compatible way.  When you have to radically change your schema
> you know you have to update your code; when you're merely adding columns
> that don't contribute to primary keys then you shouldn't have to go
> change any statements other than the ones where you specifically need
> the new columns.  SQL shortcuts like '*' and natural join are just not
> compatible with such a schema evolution model.
thanks Nico,
I think these are very valuable tips.

> Nico

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