On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, O'Neill, Owen wrote:

> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
> From: "O'Neill, Owen" <oone...@averyberkel.com>
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY on TEXT column?
> Hi Keith,
> Depending on your definition of 'efficient' then this might do what you
> want. (untested - might need to add or remove bracket since sqlite does
> seem fussy about having what it considers to be extra ones)
>       COALESCE( (SELECT record_id from "file_downloads" where where
> filename = "$dl_file"),(SELECT MAX( record_id) FROM
> "file_downloads")+1),
>       $dl_file,
>       COALESE( (select "dl_count" from "file_downloads" where where
> filename = "$dl_file"),0)+1;
> In summary - we get the record ID for the file in question - if it does
> not exist then we get the max of the current ones and add 1
> Then we get either the current download count for the file - or a zero
> and add 1 to it.
> So the whole thing is atomic and you run it once for each download that
> happens so can run it across multiple instances / threads etc.

Thanks Owen.

I don't think there will be a problem with the row for the 
particular filename not existing. I will run an insert 
statement from the sqlite3 command line to insert/create the 
neccessary row.

Using the UNIQUE constraint will ensure there is only one 
row for that particular filename in the database. I only 
want one counter per filename, otherwise things could get 

It appears that the UNIQUE constraint also creates an INDEX 
on that text column - which is just what I want.

So I'm now using:

CREATE TABLE "file_downloads"
  "record_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,

  "filename" TEXT UNIQUE,

  "dl_count" INTEGER

   /* PRIMARY KEY  ("record_id") */

And this is what I have on the SQLite3 command line:

sqlite> insert into file_downloads
    ...> (filename, dl_count)
    ...> VALUES ('KickstartUserGuide.pdf', '0');

sqlite> insert into file_downloads
    ...> (filename, dl_count)
    ...> VALUES ('KickstartUserGuide.pdf', '0');
Error: constraint failed

So the UNIQUE constraint is working nicely.

sqlite> insert into file_downloads
    ...> (filename, dl_count)
    ...> VALUES ('KickstartUserGuide.dvi', '0');

sqlite> select * from file_downloads;
record_id = 1
  filename = KickstartUserGuide.pdf
  dl_count = 0

record_id = 2
  filename = KickstartUserGuide.dvi
  dl_count = 0

That should do fine for my purposes. The code to increment 
the dl_count column is done in PHP, when the SQL command is 

Thanks for all your help.

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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