I've a table with 15 columns, including industry number, industry
description, and state. I'm trying to formulate the proper SELECT statement
to return the count of rows for each industry number/description in each of
the 5 states. I've looked at the aggregate function chapter in Rick van der
Lans' "The SQL Guide to SQLite" without seeing a suitable example.

   The closest I've come so far is:
        sqlite> select sic, sic_desc, state, count(*) from Companies group by 
The 'group by' phrase returns one row per group, which is what I want as
long as the group is a compound of industry number and state (the
description makes it easier to read and is fixed in association with each

   What I'd like to see is a table grouped either by sic or state:

   sic  sic_desc    state   total companies


   state   sic   sic_desc  total companies

   This shouldn't be that difficult but I'm just not thinking correctly.



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