On Fri, 24 Sep 2010, John Reed wrote:

> I compare an application every few days which has sqlite as it's client
> database. I look at the content and check whether documents have made it
> into the application after it has been built. I also check the metadata in
> the sqlite client database for changes. So, I am constantly comparing the
> last database with the newer database. Both databases have exactly the
> same tables, with only the data being changed in most of the 51 tables.The
> largest table has about 3,700,000 rows. Most other tables have much less
> rows in them. Could someone suggest an sql query to find the difference in
> the same table (ta) for both the last database (db1) and the newer
> database (db2)? I can use SQLiteSpy to connect and attach to the
> databases.

   You'll want to tune the syntax, but try something like:

   SELECT colA FROM db1 WHERE (NOT EXIST colA IN db2);

The idea is to match rows in each table and where the equivalent row in db1
is not in db2, add that to the results table.

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