Dustin Sallings wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2010, at 5:43, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> I think this differs for different platforms.  For instance:
>> http://www.manpagez.com/man/3/usleep/
>> makes no mention of that fault.
>        It kind of does indirectly.  It says it's built on nanosleep(), and 
> links to that doc which says this in their error section:
>     [EINVAL]           rqtp specified a nanosecond value less than zero or
>                        greater than or equal to 1000 million.
>        I didn't actually run into a problem with it, I just noticed that its 
> result isn't checked and documentation I was reading had it defined to fail.
>> Since the time for sleeping is an integer number of seconds it's probably 
>> simplest just to replace this call with one to sleep(10).  sleep() is 
>> defined in POSIX.1 so I believe it should be available in a library for 
>> every platform SQLite is expected to run on.
>        I think that makes sense.  It also means you don't need a
> comment describing that it's intended to sleep for exactly ten seconds.  :)

Yes, that might be a problem.

I see than in Vim source code, usleep() is used as follows
to  avoid calling usleep() with a large argument:

        while (msec >= 1000)
            usleep((unsigned int)(999 * 1000));
            msec -= 999;
        usleep((unsigned int)(msec * 1000));
# else

-- Dominique
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