Hi all,

I'm trying to dump a single line into an SQLite database, however the line
is UTF8 text, and the operation fails.

Here's what the text file looks like when using head:

$ head -n 1 test1.txt
Type      Time                    User                    Description

And here it is again when less (which doesn't translate the UTF8 text):
t...@y^@p...@e^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^...@t^@i...@m^@e^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ 
^@ ^@
^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^...@u^@s...@e^@r^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@
^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ 
^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^...@^m^@

Here is how I'm trying to insert the line into the database (perl):

        $insert_sql = "insert into data (filename, line) values (" .
$dbh->quote($file) . "," . $dbh->quote($line) . ")";
        $dbh->do( $insert_sql );

And here's the error I'm seeing:

SQL Insert: insert into data (filename, line) values
('/tmp/test1.txt','Type      Time')                  User
DBD::SQLite::db do failed: unrecognized token: "'T" at /tmp/test.pl line
643, <FILE> line 1.
unrecognized token: "'T"

It looks like one of the characters is breaking out of the quote, which I
didn't think was likely since I"m using $dbh->quote().

Another think that crossed my mind is that maybe I haven't set up the
database properly to accept UTF8 or UTF16 data, but I figured this was a
default in SQLite3.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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