"jeff archer"  schrieb
>From: "Olaf Schmidt"
>Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:07:19 AM
>>[Stored procedures in SQLite]
>>IMO stored procedure-support only makes sense in
>> "Server-Instances" which run on their own...

> I disagree. The overall design and structure of
> applications using SQLite and therefor SQLite itself
> would benefit from SQLite supporting stored procedures.
> This would allow all code necessary for enforcing the
> business rules of the data to be stored in the database itself.
> This is just a good basic design principal.

There was a somewhat similar sounding post
(from BareFeetWare, sent on 20.Oct to this list)
who also encouraged, to include "more logic" into
the SQLite-Files itself, to reach more "portability".

All nice and well, but the problem is two-fold IMO.
Portability with regards to Application-Code
(exchangeability of "The DB" among different languages)
and on the other hand, portability of the Data (the DB,
the "Backend").

>From my experience one should use "DB-internal
mechanisms" only in a range, which is common
among different DB-engines (Triggers for example,
to ensure referential integrity at least).

But a "Stored-procedure-language" which is
more or less proprietary to a certain DB, does
not work out that well, if your Application (or
your Business-Layer with your "business-rules")
needs to be able, to talk to a different backend
(since your new customer "just made the wish"...;-)

Then backend-portability is required - and the less
voluminous and complex your "special code" in your
current DB-backend is, the faster will be your switch
to a new backend (using the App-language for the
business-rules then, supported by some sort of
"DB-Abstraction-Helper" of course - as e.g. JDBC,
ODBC - or ADO/OLEDB in the Windows-world).

And if you want to ensure (aside from easy backend-
portability), that your "business-rules" (your business-
layer) survives "App-language-switches" as well, then you
should encapsulate it in a component (a Dll for example) -
containing a public reachable API, which is usable/callable
from different languages then.

If such an "encapsulation of business-rules" is sitting in the
DB itself - written in a proprietary "DB-dialect", then you
cannot call such a thing a "business-layer" anymore.

A layer is a thing, sitting "in-between" (to abstract
from two sides, in this case the App-language(s) *and*
the Storage-Engine(s)) ... and not a thing "sitting inside

Just my 2cts...


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