Hi Nick,

On Nov 25, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Nick Shaw wrote:

> As Igor points out, that may not fail if the corruption is in a table
> you don't query.
> In this case, the databases I'm working with are either small enough for
> the speed of an integrity check not to be an issue, or the integrity of
> the database is more important than a delayed DB open (which happens in
> a seprate thread to my apps' main GUI, so the user won't notice an issue
> anyway).
> Thanks for all the help peeps,
> Nick.


However, the original email looks like it's a two-part question: opening 
non-SQLite files and detecting corrupted databases. Looks like the solution 
would be to integrate a method combining both Igor and Simon's solution:

1) SELECT on sqlite_master. All SQLite3 databases contain it, so it would fail 
right away is it wasn't a valid database.
2) Issue a "PRAGMA integrity_check" statement, if (1) succeeds.

However, I'm wondering whether (1) is redundant. If the integrity check detects 
right away that the file is not a SQLite3 database, then we're good. But if the 
integrity check reads the whole file before failing, perhaps running (1) would 
not be such a bad after all.

Also, if there is a need to know whether a database is corrupted, an 
optimization seems to be to issue "PRAGMA integrity_check (1)" statement, which 
would bail out at the first sign of trouble. As stated in the docs: 

> PRAGMA integrity_check; 
> PRAGMA integrity_check(integer)
> This pragma does an integrity check of the entire database. It looks for 
> out-of-order records, missing pages, malformed records, and corrupt indices. 
> If any problems are found, then strings are returned (as multiple rows with a 
> single column per row) which describe the problems. At most integer errors 
> will be reported before the analysis quits. The default value for integer is 
> 100. If no errors are found, a single row with the value "ok" is returned.


-- Tito
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