Hi Max

Thanks for the reply.

On 26/11/2010 7:11 PM, Max Vlasov wrote:
> Mohit said that he uses a someone's db, so I can imagine a possibility that
> with two indexes ...
> CREATE INDEX IDX1 on tx(name ASC);
> CREATE INDEX IDX2 on tx(type, name ASC);
> ... the creator of database wanted to search for a name regardless of the
> type with a help of first index, and in the context of chosen type with the
> second. So, Mohit, if some unknown queries or code involved I'd better leave
> them as they are
I have access to all the queries that are planned - I will confirm that 
the points Swithun mentioned are covered.  If I remember correctly, he 
searches for all entries that have a certain kind of name, or all 
entries that are a certain type and have a certain kind of name.

Best Regards,
27/11/2010 | 12:41 AM.
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