On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> jason d wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have search the web and the mailing list as much as I can for this
>> error. Now I come to you for help like always
>> In my case I am using shell with Sqlite2 and I have double...triple
>> checked permissions.
>> all other DB files open but there is one that just doesnt anymore.
> "just doesnt anymore" what? What exactly are you doing, and what exactly
> is the error? (the emphasis is on "exactly" here).

#sqlite /path/to/dbfile.db
Unable to open database dbfile.db

> Above you say you tried using "shell with Sqlite2" by which I am
> assuming you are referring to the sqlite shell binary. But, below you
> mention "php script." Can the db be opened by one and not the other?
> Which one what?

I mention what the db was used for. please read my initial post again.
I tried to use shell from two different system to open the same file
to figure out
if its a script failure or database. Both are linux 2.6 32 bit
systems. First attempt was on the same system as the original php
script. I copied the directories+files over using tar->wget->untar
->check permissions on another host. Still the same problem.

> What operating system are you?
> When you type `sqlite <name of your db file>` on the command line, what
> is the response?
>> It was working perfectly fine and was used by a php script to store
>> session data and user data for a small website.
>> I have tried copying the file to other directories, renaming it etc
>> and it just won't work.
>> i have both Sqlite2 and sqlite3 binaries installed on two different
>> systems. So I am pretty sure I didn't use the wrong
>> sqlite binary to try and access the db file. I mean everythign worked
>> just fine until one fine morning ...
>> What can I do?
>> thanks
>> jason.
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