On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Gavrie Philipson <gav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> ....
> The query is as follows:
> SELECT entry_type AS entry_type_int, entry_types.name as
> entry_type_name, entry_id
> FROM timeline JOIN entry_types ON entry_type_int = entry_types.id
> (entry_type_name = 'cli_command' AND entry_id IN (SELECT command_id
> FROM object_changes WHERE obj_context = 'exported_pools'))
> OR
> (entry_type_name = 'object_change' AND entry_id IN (SELECT change_id
> FROM object_changes WHERE obj_context = 'exported_pools'))
I also got no rows with the above query, but got:

300  object_change  2048

after changing the query to:

SELECT entry_type AS entry_type_int, entry_types.name as
    entry_type_name, entry_id
    FROM timeline JOIN entry_types ON entry_type = entry_types.id
    (entry_types.name = 'cli_command' AND entry_type_name IN (SELECT
    FROM object_changes WHERE obj_context = 'exported_pools'))
    (entry_type_name = 'object_change' AND entry_id IN (SELECT change_id
    FROM object_changes WHERE obj_context = 'exported_pools'))

The changes were to use the real column names and not the aliases from the
SELECT clause.

I believe the problem arises (and the book "Using SQLite" explains it a lot
better than I can) because the FROM and WHERE clauses are executed before
the SELECT clause. I can not explain why the absence or presence if an INDEX
changes the result.

It is a known feature of SQLite that it does not contain huge amounts of
error checking, and the results when you do things you shouldn't can be

Hope this helps,

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