
since in memory index file is already implemented (WAL_HEAPMEMORY_MODE), 
I think that adding locks when needed will add the support for single 
process multithreaded programs.
Am I wrong?


On 10/12/2010 5:32 PM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>> Perhaps using async VFS mode would better suit Yoni's application?
>> http://www.sqlite.org/asyncvfs.html
>  From my experience asyncVFS is not suitable for applications with high
> throughput expecting high performance, because with big load and big
> writeback queue asyncVFS consumes a lot of CPU for each reading from
> file (it scans through the whole queue on each request to read, lock
> or unlock database file) which I guess generally slows down each query
> significantly (apart from causing a big CPU load).
> Such application needs custom VFS designed specifically for its needs
> (e.g. you can eliminate actual locking/unlocking of database file - it
> gives pretty significant benefit but again at the price of never be
> able to connect to database while your application is running). Also
> this custom VFS can be coupled with custom PCache to get some
> additional perks: e.g. VFS can schedule every write to background
> thread and tell PCache that whatever SQLite says it shouldn't evict
> this page until it's written to disk. This way you'll be able to write
> everything in background without causing additional pressure on
> queries - all pages they need are either in the cache or were not
> changed recently and are not in VFS background queue. Of course such
> system will corrupt database immediately if application exits/crashes
> with non-empty background queue. Also such system has danger of going
> out of memory in case of too big throughput, so it needs to have
> additional guards for that.
> Pavel
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Christian Smith
> <csm...@thewrongchristian.org.uk>  wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 09:49:46AM -0500, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>>>> Given that the WAL index is mmap'ed, you're unlikely to see improvement
>>>> in performance by storing it in heap memory. Reads/writes will go at
>>>> main memory speeds once mapped into your address space, and under memory
>>>> pressure, it will be no slower than if the heap was pushed to the swapfile.
>>> Still I think pushing actual memory to swap file has bigger memory
>>> pressure threshold than pushing cache pages that are backed by actual
>>> file data out of physical memory. Also writing to mmaped file will
>>> still force OS to write it to disk from time to time and that brings
>>> additional pressure on the system overall.
>> Once you're pushing working memory to disk, you've basically lost the
>> performance battle either way.
>> Given the OP problem, it doesn't sound like memory is the limiting
>> factor anyway.
>>  From the past posts, it appears Yoni is after predictable performance
>> with high throughput (logging system?) but without the durability
>> gaurantees provided by SQLite by default.
>> Perhaps using async VFS mode would better suit Yoni's application?
>> http://www.sqlite.org/asyncvfs.html
>> This way, the foreground thread handles writes to the SQLite IO queue,
>> and the background SQLite IO thread handles any latencies that result
>> from the commits. Yoni's already mentioned in other threads that
>> durability is not the main priority.
>> I'm not sure how this async VFS fits in with WAL. Might be that normal
>> rollback journalling only is supported, but from a performance
>> standpoint, that's probably not a problem.
>> Christian
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