George Roberge wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I'm having trouble getting an insert statement to function properly, and
> am not sure if it is me, or this isn't supposed to be done.
> This is not the complete database, but to keep this issue simple:
> I have three tables:
> artists (artistID integer, lastname text) contains 1, 'Weaver'
> titles (titleID integer, title text) contains 1, 'Alien'
> cast (castID, artistID)

Note the definition of the table 'cast' -- it has columns 'castID' and 

> I am experimenting with inserting data into the cast table using values
> that will be entered either by a user or selected from a list.  In the
> meantime, I am manually entering the values "Weaver" and "Alien" to
> acquire title ID number and artist ID to store into the cast table.
> This simple statement works fine and yield the expected "1": insert into
> cast (titleID) select titleID from titles where title='Alien';
> I get into trouble when I attempt to add the extra field: insert into
> cast (titleID, castID) select titleID from titles where title='Alien'

Note what you are trying to insert into cast above, namely 'titleID' and 
'castID'. Per your table definition, you have no 'titleID' in the table 

> select artistID from artists where lastname='Weaver';
> I know that the above syntax is incorrect.  I have tried adding
> parentheses around the select statements (SELECT XXX), (SELECT XXX) and
> have tried the UNION in between, which I now understand adds separate
> rows into the table.  I assumed that I could replace simple values with
> SELECT statements, but either I am wrong, or I have bogus syntax.
> I am new to using SQL outside of the "drag-and-drop" Access method, so
> this might be a silly question.
> If this can't be done I suppose I could add one value as a SELECT
> statement, then try to locate that row in the table and do an UPDATE to
> the other column (in this case, the cast column) where I just inserted
> the data.
> Thank you!
> George R.

Puneet Kishor
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