On 13/12/10 22:44, Darren Duncan wrote:
> I am also very interested in these subjects.
> I believe that the relational model can accurately model anything in
> the real world, and that this can be implemented in efficient ways,
> with physical structure taking hints from logical structure.

But can you STORE it?

A challenge I throw out - please STORE a list in the relational model.
Oh - I'll just add a couple of sensible constraints. (1) as seen by the
application, there mustn't be any duplicate data (I believe the
relational model says you mustn't duplicate data, yes?). And (2) - again
as seen by the application - you mustn't mix data and metadata in the
same table. Worded a bit differently, don't get your cardinal and
ordinal numbers mixed up :-)

> Also, that you can model any data structure simply over tuples and
> relations, including arrays and bags, and likewise implement such
> tuples and relations with physical arrays behind the scenes.

Again, you use the word *model*. Isn't this pushing all this complexity
back out into the app - where it DOESN'T belong?

> Ordered lists and bags can be logically binary relations with
> index+value or value+count attributes.  (That is also the canonical
> way to do it in Muldis D.)

I think this is what I said above you mustn't do - mixing up your
ordinals and cardinals? (And mixing your data and metadata.)

> It is perfectly valid to nest tuples and relations inside each other
> (these *are* valid 1NF), and so likewise you can have record field
> values that are sets or arrays or tables or whatever.

Which is where Pick scores, this is easy to do and flows naturally from
the data model. But it does it the other way round - the logical
structure takes hints from the real-world-physical structure (and the
database designer makes sure the physical database structure mimics the
real-world physical structure).

> -- Darren Duncan

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