Here's a first documentation typo:
"_In_ sqlite3_snprintf() routine is similar to "snprintf()" from the standard C 
    It should be "_The_ sqlite3_snprintf() routine is similar to ...".

Marian Cascaval

From: Richard Hipp <>
To:; General Discussion of SQLite Database 
Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 8:12:44 PM
Subject: [sqlite] SQLite version 3.7.5 - code freeze

The current plan is to release SQLite version 3.7.5 on Wednesday of next
week 2011-02-02.  Please see draft release notes here:

You can download a snapshot of the latest SQLite amalgamation from here:

Unless serious problems or omissions are found, there will be no further
code changes prior to the release of version 3.7.5, except to address
whatever minor documentation errors, compiler warnings, or other nuisance
issues that come up during release testing.

Your help in identifying potential problems prior to the release of version
3.7.5 is appreciated.  Please download and test the snapshot shown above in
your applications and let us now (quickly) of any issues you encounter.

As soon as version 3.7.5 is released, our plan is to merge in several other
changes that currently reside in branches of the source three:

   *  A blocking version of PRAGMA wal_checkpoint that guarantees that the
WAL file will reset
   *  Enhancements to the foreign-key checking logic
   *  Enhancements to the query planner

I'll be asking you to download and test new snapshots after these merges
occur in early February.  But for now, we want version 3.7.5 to be very
stable, so please do test as soon as you can and give us feedback right


D. Richard Hipp
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