At 2011-03-02 09:17:48,"Igor Tandetnik" <> wrote:

>On 3/1/2011 8:05 PM, 陈强 wrote:
>> At 2011-03-01 20:56:49,"Igor Tandetnik"<>  wrote:
>>> 陈强<>  wrote:
>>>> Why is the Chinese i Selected from SQLIte.exe and jdbc is not different. 
>>>> The Chinese from JDBC(rs.getString(index)) is normal but
>>>> the Chinese from Sqlite.exe (Select data) is Garbled, my environment as 
>>>> list:
>>> Console window doesn't know UTF-8. The strings are fine, but the console 
>>> can't render them correctly.
>> The charSet of the String insert into db  is GBK, the console should show 
>> GBK String correctly.
>I'd double-check that if I were you. That would be highly unusual. How 
>do you put those strings into the database? If with a Java program, 
>realize that Java always represents all strings in UTF-16.
>I stronly doubt a simple rs.getString(index) would have worked correctly 
>if the string weren't stored in UTF-16 or UTF-8 in the database. SQLite 
>certainly wouldn't automatically convert from GBK to UTF-16 that Java 
>Show the output of this query, when run in sqlite.exe:
>select hex(MyStringField) from MyTable limit 10;
>Substitute your actual table and column names for MyTable and 
>MyStringField, of course.
>Igor Tandetnik

Thanks a lot for your help!
I'am a javaBeginner.
I will send the output of the query as soon as possible, because it's not in my 
But if i want to make the gbk console show String correctly, what should i do?
i know if i put the gbk bytes into db, the String will be show correctly, but 
the column type will be blob, it's not the result i wanna.
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