On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Dave White <dwh...@companioncorp.com>wrote:

> We are considering using rowids as a unique and stable ID for all records.
> I know that in order to do this, we need to prevent recycling by using
> "primary key autoincrement".
> The concern is that over time, as records are added and removed, there will
> appear large gaps in the rowids of a table. As I understand it, sqlite uses
> bit-arrays internally for selections, and those bit-arrays represent a list
> of rowids. If this is the case, then large gaps in rowids, will cause
> bit-arrays to expand, and potentially slow down selections.
>        1. Do I understand this correctly?

No.  I think you may be confusing SQLite and PostgreSQL.  And even
PostgreSQL compresses the gaps.

>        2. If necessary, I can manually recycle rowids to fill in these
> gaps, and maintain a separate UID that will never be re-used. For the sake
> of selection performance, is this a better solution?

Best to use an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY as an alias for your ROWID.

>        3. Assuming a record isn't removed, can I rely on a rowid to remain
> stable? Or can it ever be changed by some event, for example a Vacuum? Do
> rowid gaps ever get "compressed"?

You can rely on an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY being stable.

> Thanks
> dw
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