On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Travis Orr <t...@ivl.com> wrote:
> Can someone enlighten me about this. To me a lot of the details appear
> to be hidden since my main SongTable is a FTS3 virtual table.

You don't provide your schema, but based on your queries, I'll make
unwarranted assumptions :-).

In fts3, there is a rowid column (standard SQLite meaning), a docid
column which is an alias of rowid, and all the columns you define are
TEXT columns.  If you say:

  title VARCHAR(23),
  recorded DATETIME

All three of those columns are TEXT..  Based on your queries, I'm
betting that you're assuming that the various typing keywords for a
CREATE TABLE statement apply, but they don't.  If you want to know
why, you can scan the archives or read the source code, but suffice to
say that this is the truth at this time.

Anyhow, the gist of it is that the FTS3 table has a full-text index on
the TEXT of the columns, and that any other queries will be full table
scans, as if there were no optimizations at all.  So complicated
queries with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET can absolutely destroy
performance if your result sets are all all big (or can be big, watch
for the query of death!).  If you will not be using MATCH, then there
is no gain at all from FTS3, and you should consider just using a
regular table.

As I understand your problem, the solution I'd probably use would be
to create a new temporary table to hold the data while scanning it.
So something like:

  SELECT docid, title, artist FROM songtable WHERE ... ORDER BY ...;

I _think_ the resulting table will effectively capture the ORDER BY
results, so you can then scan it using OFFSET and LIMIT (or rowid)
efficiently.  If this is too big, you could experiment with capturing
only the docid values in order, and then joining MyResults back
against songtable to get the original values.  That won't be
particularly efficient with OFFSET and LIMIT, but it should be able to
join directly with songtable.docid, so it shouldn't be particularly
inefficient, either.

Of course, you could also just read the entire docid set into memory
and manage it that way.  It's a little cumbersome because then you
have to keep re-binding the query to walk through things, but it
probably won't perform any worse.

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