Here is my Javascript code, it works.  Except I have to know the table field
names within the javascript code itself: This little phrase:


f1 is a field name, I have to know this in the call.
Yes I know indexDB is coming, but is there a workaround for this? I want to
scoop up the roiw even though I do not know the column names.

function executeSqlRead(sqlString) {
function (tx) {
tx.executeSql(sqlString, [],
function (tx, results) {
var numrows = results.rows.length;

qout.innerHTML += tx + "<p>Rd: " + numrows +" rows</p>";
var i = 0;
while( i < numrows) {
qout.innerHTML +=
"<p>" + results.rows[i].f1 + "</p>" ;
i += 1;
}, function (t, e) {
qout.innerHTML += '<p> Error: '+e.message+'</p>';
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