On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I sometimes use repeated digits as test data, for example 123456789 repeated
> multiply times and recently some of my complex queries where I occasionally
> wrongly chose a field gave 'unknown error' in the middle of the process.
> Tracking it led to sqlite3AtoF function that appears to be raising Floating
> overflow exception (at least on windows) for some extremely large numbers
> The test showing the effect (tested with v3.7.5)
> CREATE TABLE [Temp] ([Value] TEXT)
> INSERT INTO Temp (Value) VALUES ('1234567890...') //Totally 310 digits
> SELECT Cast(Value As Float) FROM Temp
> the result of this query in my case is 'unknown error' and no data shown.
> Can it be considered a bug? The worst part of this error is that one needs
> very deep investigation especially for long queries to understand what is
> going on.

Not a bug.  The REAL datatype (which FLOAT maps to) is an 8-byte IEEE
"double".  It supports a maximum of about 16 digits -- nowhere near
your 310.

Cory Nelson
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