Running the following commands:

    create temporary table t(a text);
    insert into t values ('one');
    insert into t values ('two');
    insert into t values ('three');
    insert into t values ('four');
    insert into t values ('five');
    select * from (select a, (random() & 3) r from t) t2 where r<2 ;

I find that the output in column "r" is not consistent with the test.
Apparently the random() function is evaluated twice, once to test, and
once to output.  

I did this with 3.7.2, 3.7.5, and, and got the same problem
in each.

I originally tried:

    select a, (random() & 3) r from t where (random() & 3)<2 ;

This should produce inconsistent results, since the test is not on
column "r".

I also tried:

    select a, (random() & 3) r from t where r<2 ;

I think this should produce consistent results (but doesn't in sqlite
or mysql).

Just to see what would happen, I also tried:

    select r, r from (select random() r from t) t2;

I would expect this to return the same data twice.  It doesn't.


In the comparable commands in mysql 5.0.70:

    select * from (select a, ((rand()*4) & 3) r from t) t2 where r<2;

r was always consistent with the test.

    select a, ((rand()*4) & 3) r from t having r<2 ;

r was inconsistent, like sqlite.

    select r, r from (select rand() r from t) t2;

The columns matched.


I think the problem here may be that derived expressions are always
evaluated from the original data.  Changing that might be a
performance improvement.

--David Garfield

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