Thanks for the responses.  The three table approach you describe is what 
I normally use, but the export is coming from a filemaker database where 
they are stored this way so I thought I'd play with it as is. I was 
surprised when I tried a similar query with the same data in MySQL and 
saw that it worked -- MySQL parsed the fields contents as if they were 
separate items. Regardless, I think I'll write a quick script to 
normalize that data into its own table.


on 5/13/11 7:16 PM BareFeetWare wrote:
> On 14/05/2011, at 5:15 AM, Trevor Borgmeier wrote:
>> I have a database where a field's value is a comma separated list
>> indicating the basic categories the item belongs to.
>> so if the "categories" field has a value of "1,8,15"
>> I want to do a query like this:
>> SELECT categories FROM myTable WHERE "8" IN (categories);
>> but it only finds records where "8" is the only category...
> The "in" operator deals with sets (eg explicit list of items or the results 
> of a select), not text strings. You would use "in" like this:
> select * from MyTable where Category in (1, 8, 15)
> or:
> select * from MyTable where Category in (select Category from OtherTable 
> where OtherTable.Name = MyTableName)
> See:
> under the heading "The IN and NOT IN operators"
>> Is there anyway for it to evaluate the contents fo the categories field 
>> first rather than compare it as a whole?
> There is no function built into SQLite to convert a text string into a set 
> (eg convert "1,8,15" into (1, 8, 15)), but such a function is not needed in 
> this case. You need a better design of your database. SQLite is relational 
> and you need to make your schema relational.
>> The describe query works in MySQL, but the port doesn't... So far the hack 
>> is to do something like this...
>> SELECT categories FROM myTable WHERE (","||categories||",") LIKE "%,7,%";
>> but I'm guessing LIKE isn't as efficient, and the query is more awkward.
> Yes, that will work but yes, it is inefficient. Again, it doesn't use the 
> relational engine that you have at your disposal.
>> Any advise would be appreciated.  Thanks!
> You need to "normalize" your data structure. One of the demands of a 
> normalized structure is that each column contains only one value. So instead 
> of having multiple Category values stored in the Categories column, you need 
> a separate table that lists each of the Categories linked to its MyTable row. 
> This might look something like this:
> create table MyTable
> (     ID integer primary key not null
> ,     Name text
> )
> ;
> create table Category
> (     ID integer primary key not null
> ,     Name text
> )
> ;
> create table "MyTable Category"
> (     ID integer primary key not null
> ,     MyTable integer not null references MyTable (ID)
> ,     Category integer not null references Category (ID)
> )
> ;
> Once it has some data, you could query like this:
> select Name
> from MyTable join "MyTable Category" on MyTable.ID = "MyTable 
> Category".MyTable
> where "MyTable Category".Category = 8
> ;
> If you're confused, please post your schema, including at least some data, 
> and I'll show you how it works in your case.
> Tom
> BareFeetWare
> --
> iPhone/iPad/iPod and Mac software development, specialising in databases
>   --
> Comparison of SQLite GUI tools:
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