On 24 May 2011, at 12:43pm, John Deal wrote:

> Sorry to be so brain-dead but I am still confused.  I have multiple threads, 
> each with their own DB connection.



If it's not clear to you please ask specific questions about what's on that 
page, since your questions will help us to work out how to improve it.

> I want to allow multiple readers accessing the DB at the same time since 
> nothing is changing.  However, if a writes is to take place, I want all 
> readers to finish their reads and give the writer exclusive access.  Once the 
> writer is done, the readers can come back in.
> I have all writes in transactions.  If I deactivate my pthread_rwlock() that 
> enforce the above, several writes fail with a "database locked" error (I 
> assume it is returning SQLITE_BUSY).

The documentation on how to handle this is a little lacking, but if your app 
has no principles of its own, just loop until the problem goes away.

> With my pthread_rwlock(), I have multiple threads reading the DB and my 
> writes get the exclusive access they need.  Now I could loop on the write 
> until it gets in but that seems very wasteful.
> So how do I implement the equivalent of a pthread_rwlock() using SQLite 
> mechinisms?

You use transactions correctly.  Pay especial attention to the differences 


See the following page


However, you may have done something to defeat SQLite's built in mechanism.  
Have you done any of the following:

Have you set any of SQLite's compiler directives in your compilation ?  I'm 
thinking especially of SQLITE_THREADSAFE.  I'm not completely familiar with 
SQLite's model, but it seems to me as if you should be using 
'-DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=2'.  The explanation of this is on the first web page I 
pointed to above.

Have you set any PRAGMAs which are related to threading ?  Especially 'PRAGMA 
temp_store_directory' and 'PRAGMA read_uncommitted' ?   If so, try removing 
your PRAGMAs and see if this fixes your problem.

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