On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Fabio Spadaro <fabiolinos...@gmail.com>wrote:

> To recap:
> Step 1: alter table pippo rename to fabio -> ok
> step 2: insert into fabio (field1) values ('1 ') -> ko
>     OperationalError: no such table main.pippo
> Step 3: alter table add column fabio field2 integer null -> ok
> result:
>      empty table
> Question: Why does my insert referring to the old table?

Because you typed it that way? If the insert is part of a trigger (you
didn't mention a trigger, but it sounds like you're using one), see:


and read the 3rd paragraph. If it is not part of a trigger, then simply
correct the spelling in your program/SQL script.

----- stephan beal
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