Check to see if escaping combined with double quotes works for you:

SQLiteConnection conn;
 conn.ConnectionString = "Data
 SQLiteCommand sqlCmd(%conn);
 sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (\"SyncEnabled\"
bool , \"SyncWatchPort\" int , \"SyncLoginKey\" TEXT , \"SyncAccessKey\"
TEXT , \"SyncLogFile\" TEXT , \"SyncLogClearInterval\" int ,
\"GenLatestBook\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_0\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_1\" TEXT ,
\"GenBookMRU_2\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_3\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_4\" TEXT);";

 sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat
 sqlite> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs ("SyncEnabled" bool ,
"SyncWatchPort" int , "SyncLoginKey" TEXT , "SyncAccessKey" TEXT ,
"SyncLogFile" TEXT , "SyncLogClearInterval" int , "GenLatestBook" TEXT ,
"GenBookMRU_0" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_1" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_2" TEXT ,
"GenBookMRU_3" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_4" TEXT);
        K e V i N

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Don Ireland <> wrote:

> I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Using Visual Studio C++, the
> following code DOES create the DB file. But the table doesn't get created
> and I'm stumped as to why it won't create the table. SQLiteConnection conn;
> conn.ConnectionString = "Data
> Source=D:\Users\Don\Downloads\CashBoxPrefs.dat"; conn.Open(); SQLiteCommand
> sqlCmd(%conn); sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs
> (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT,
> SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0
> TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2 TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4
> TEXT);"; But if I run following at the SQLite3.exe from the command line, it
> DOES create the file and the table. sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat sqlite> CREATE
> TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey
> TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT, SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval
> int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0 TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2
> TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);
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