Hopefully someone can help me with this

I have a table with IP addresses and timestamps - I want to update the
table when the new timestamp is later than the old one

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.7.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC);
CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when
NEW.timestamp < OLD.timestamp BEGIN update ip_timestamps set timestamp
= OLD.timestamp; END;

I'm adding/updating records with statements like:

INSERT OR REPLACE into ip_timestamps VALUES ( "" , 1306932777 );

The goal is to keep the latest timestamp in the database (the older
timestamp could occur later in the input than the newer timestamp),
but the trigger doesn't seem to be working - I assume the trigger is
flawed.  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
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