On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 18:28, Rense Corten <rcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer, Nuno.
> However, the system I am using is already 64-bit (I should have
> mentioned that) , and the same binary can do the job on another Ubuntu
> 64-bit  system. I'll try your suggestion nevertheless, but can there
> be other causes?
> Rense

There can always be other causes, like permission problems. But from
what you say I'm tended to believe your problem is the one I
Note that although your system is 64-bits, the pre-compiled sqlite
binary is 32-bits.

But you can check yourself using "strace".
Run the shell as:

$ strace -e open sqlite  ...args...

You will see all open system calls, and for you to be able to open
large files you must see something like:

open("file.csv", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE)     = 4

Notice the O_LARGEFILE flag. If the shell is not compiled for large
file access that flag will not be present.
The latter is what happens using the pre-compiled sqlite binary.

~Nuno Lucas
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