On Jun 27, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

> select * FROM Objects, Objects_Index
> WHERE Objects.id = Objects_Index.id
>     AND minx <= 668632 + 250 AND maxx >= 668632 - 250
>     AND  miny <= 1518661 + 250 AND maxy >= 1518661 - 250
>     AND CAT=25;
> Doing an explain query plan revealed that SQlite was scanning Objects 
> with the IDX_OBJ_CAT first and then using the R-Tree.  Without 
> restricting by CAT, we found the query was much faster and was using 
> only the virtual R-Tree index.
> We wanted to get SQLite to use the R-Tree first, so we tried a few 
> different things - eventually, we killed the IDX_OBJ_CAT index and the 
> query became (yes, wait for it) almost 100x faster!

Try something like

        SELECT * FROM Objects, Objects_Index
        WHERE Objects.id = Objects_Index.id
        AND minx <= 668632 + 250 AND maxx >= 668632 - 250
        AND  miny <= 1518661 + 250 AND maxy >= 1518661 - 250

You might have to prefix the columns with the appropriate table names (I can't 
tell which table cat and the bounds are coming from). If the bounds are a part 
of the Objects table, you could try

        SELECT * FROM Objects 
        WHERE  minx <= 668632 + 250 AND maxx >= 668632 - 250
        AND  miny <= 1518661 + 250 AND maxy >= 1518661 - 250
) foo, Objects_Index
WHERE foo.Id = Objects_Index.id AND CAT=25;

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