The layout where x and y are dimensions eg

         1    2
y  1  | 3   4
    2  | 5  6

might be represented the following fact table

xid   yid  data
1      1     3
2      1     4
1      2     5
2      2     6

If I added another dimension eg yy
then the following layout
             1   2
yy   y
1    1      3   4
      2      5   6
2    1      7   8
      2      9  10

might be represented by this extended fact table
yy   xid   yid  data
 1      1      1     3
 1      2      1     4
 1      1      2     5
 1      2      2     6
 2      1      1     7
 2      2      1     8
 2      1      2     9
 2      2      2     10

That's all well and good until you decide you want to DROP the yy dimension.
How do you best organise table to represent a star schema type arrangement
so that you can easily INSERT/DELETE dimensions and the new data that
accompanies them.
Hope I've made myself clear.
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