2011/7/6 e-mail mgbg25171 <mgbg25...@blueyonder.co.uk>:
>                                1990        1991  year   <===== dimension
> north         sales        10            8
>                cogs         (5)           (4)
> south        sales         6             5
>                cogs         (2)           (1)
> region        line item   <==========  dimensions

create table stat(region, item, year, value);
insert into stat values("north","sales",1990,10);
insert into stat values("north","sales",1991,8);
insert into stat values("south","cogs",1991,-1);

> I just want to be able to specify different dimensional values and get back
> rectangles of data that I can manipulate. I've already done the manipulation
> stuff so it's just how to layout the data.
> Query examples would be...
> total = north + south                             returning 9, 8
select region,sum(value) as total from stat group by region;

> total cogs = north.cogs + south.cogs     returning -7, -5
select year,sum(value) as total from stat where item="cogs" group by year;

> 1990                                                   returning 10,-5,6,-2
select region,item,value as total from stat where year=1990;

> north:1991                                           returning 8,-4
select item,value as total from stat where region="north" and year=1991;

> north:1990..1991                                  returning 10,8
select year,sum(value) as total from stat where region="north" and
item="sales" group by year;

> Once you've created region I don't think you can delete it and all it's
> entries cos that would delete everything i.e. I believe you have to leave at
> least one value in the column whether it be null or north.
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