Baruch Burstein <> wrote:
> I am using the following SQL statement for SQLite:
>    select * from words where "word" like ? || '%' || ? ;
> In order to bind parameters to the first and last letters. I have tested
> this both with and without an index on the column `word`, and the results
> are the same. However, when running the queries as
>    select * from words where "word" like 'a%a';
> etc. (that is, hardcoding each value instead of using ||, the query is about
> x10 faster when indexed.

LIKE comparison may use the index only under certain very limited circumstances 
- see section 4 at

> Can someone show me how to use both the index and the parameters?

Michael Black's suggestion should work: make it

where word like ?;

build the string of the form "a%b" in your application, and bind it to the 
parameter. Alternatively, you could try something like this:

where word >= :first and word < :next and word like '%' || :last;

Then bind :first as the first letter, :next as the character that immediately 
follows :first in the collation (e.g. if :first is 'a', then :next is 'b'), and 
:last is the last letter.
Igor Tandetnik

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