Here's what I'm doing to get a list of column names as a first step in my
"add column" routine.
I see that limit 1 isn't limiting the output to the first row ie the column
like it did when I used SQLitening.
Is there a better way to do this?
Any advice much appreciated.

int Append_column(char* col_nm, char* tbl_nm ){ //tbl comes last cos might
be optional

    int max_lines = 5, max_length = 150, i=0, j;
    char** ln;
    ln = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char) * max_lines * max_length); //WOW...I
had to do an explict case her
    ln[0] = Join_pChars( 3, "SELECT * from ", tbl_nm , " LIMIT 1" );

////do query
    char** results = NULL;
    int rows=0, columns=0;
    res = sqlite3_get_table(handle, ln[0], &results, &rows, &columns, &err);
    if (res){ fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", err); sqlite3_free(err);
return 1; }

//test this gets the colnames for you tick
////display query result

//limit 1 is giving the col names AND the 1st row that I don't want
//for (int rowCtr = 0; rowCtr <= rows; ++rowCtr){
//this is giving me just the col names
int rowCtr=0;

    for (int colCtr = 0; colCtr < columns; ++colCtr){
        int cellPosition = (rowCtr * columns) + colCtr;
        printf( "%s\t", results[cellPosition] );
    printf( "\n");

    return 0;

    return 0;
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