On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Shawn Bice <shaw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I'm thinking about using SQLite on a windows file share having 
> multiple clients reading and writing to the database. I think I understand 
> the gist of how this works via some really good docs on the SQLite site but 
> from what I can tell, it sounds like this isn't a canonical scenario for 
> SQLite (which is fine, I just am hoping to get some perspective). The FAQ 
> mentions that file locking of network files is very buggy and not dependable 
> (in particular on Windows file shares). Additionally I read the document on 
> locking and concurrency (v3) that in effect states the best defense is not 
> use SQLite for files on a network file system. I believe we will have 
> moderate multi-client traffic and I was hoping to gain some additional 
> perspective from folks who have far more experience using SQLite in this 
> config. My impression is that its not really a canonical scenario and I'm 
> trying to get a handle on what I should expect or even if I'm looking at the 
> right database technology (assuming I am going to have moderate concurrency 
> to deal with). Many thanks in advance for your thouhgts. Thanks,
> Shawn

Depends, there's lots of ways to implement that.  my godawful tangled
mess of abstraction has a module that abstracts odbc, and sqlite
accesses to basically two commands
http://sack.sourceforge.net/sack__sql.html  ; I probably wouldn't
access a sqlite database using windows file sharing, it wouldn't be
horribly painful to make a proxy service that your clients made
requests to that read a sqlite database; but then that's not really
developing to sqlite... using ODBC isn't horribly painful (actually
ya, when you actually only need like Connect, Commnand, Query, ODBC is
a little complex; but offers all sorts of databinding so you can put
the data directly into structures of ints and floats when you get the
query back instead of having just text results.

MySQL over odbc is pretty good, easy to configure; but requires a
server to be setup somewhere... so depends on the sort of network you
have too.  I've seen sqlite odbc drivers and uhmm sqlite c# library
works good and makes things look like derivations of common database

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