
I am using ICU library to collate and pattern match strings in Russian
language. I use C api to intialise the icu library .

zSQL = sqlite3_snprintf(1024,temp1,"SELECT icu_load_collation('ru_RU',
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,(const char *)zSQL,-1,&CollationStmt, NULL);

further for Pattern matching-

 zSQL = sqlite3_snprintf(1024,temp2,"SELECT * FROM l1 WHERE data  LIKE
'марта' ;");

The statement return exactly one matched string.

If I modify the statement to return all strings which match 'м' , No strings
are fetched.

 zSQL = sqlite3_snprintf(1024,temp2,"SELECT * FROM l1 WHERE data  LIKE 'м'
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,zSQL,-1,&SelectStmt, NULL);

What could be going wrong ?

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