Hello, Alberto,

Simon's initial reply was full of helpful facts, but I'm thinking he might
have misread and you are asking about conversion in the opposite direction:

    I.e., from an sqlite database into a MySQL database (or perhaps just
into MySQL-compatible text statements to perform an import)

If so, then you may want to use the (opensource) sqlite3 utility program
(downloadable from the sqlite.org site) and use the
    .output myfile.sql
commands to produce a large text file of insert commands.   These commands
should be close to what MySQL can accept (you or some experts may have to
provide some fine-tuning).

(If, by chance you have not dealt with SQL databases before, and all this
stuff regarding SQL is a complete mystery, then you might want to seek out
an SQL-savvy friend or start  with some relational-database tutorials.)
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