
I do not have a ORDER BY , only  a WHERE  clause. So sorting should not be
the cause for the overhead.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 17 Oct 2011, at 4:22am, Sreekumar TP wrote:
> > In case of a prepared statement that uses SELECT
> > , the first sqlite3_step statement consumes a lot of time (order of
> > magnitude can be 100 or more)
> > when compared to the subsequent executions of step used to iterate
> through
> > the results. Does the first execution of step cache the entire result set
> > and tje subsequent steps get the results from the cache?
> The first step has to make a lot of decisions about what plan to follow in
> retrieving the rows: Which index is the best to use ?  Is it going to be
> necessary to sort the rows even after that index ?  These things do take
> some extra time.
> If it turns out that one of the available indexes will produce the rows in
> exactly the order wanted, then it will not be necessary to store all the
> rows which should be returned.  SQLite just stores the query plan: it
> remembers how to find each next row, rather than remembering the data in
> those rows.
> On the other hand, if it is necessary for SQLite to sort the rows itself,
> because no good index has been created, then yes, it will have to sort the
> rows in order to figure out which one to return first, and having sorted
> them it will store them so that subsequent _step()s can just return the next
> row.
> Simon.
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