On 20 Oct 2011, at 1:55pm, Gert Corthout wrote:

> I can see only 1 very long-shot security issue. Assuming I am a malafide 
> programmer at our company I could add ESCAPE ']' to a vital query that takes 
> user input and then use ]' to break out and inject some SQL in the live 
> system, right? 

That is not a problem in SQLite itself.  Your own software might be written in 
such a way as to handle an escape character in a strange way, but as far as 
SQLite is concerned it's just another character.

However, a rogue programmer at your company could build anything they want into 
your system, unless it requires the use of a paranoid API which checks 
everything for plausibility.  The only place I've worked in that did that was a 

The one thing to watch out for in SQLite is the semi-colon character if you 
ever use _exec() instead of _prepare().  Exec will happily execute any number 
of SQL commands separated by semi-colons.  In one of my programming libraries, 
the one routine I have that has to call _exec() scans its parameter for the 
semi-colon character by default.  It requires another parameter to be set to 
allow execution of anything with semi-colons in.  I set that this only if the 
command has to handle an arbitrary text parameter that might have a semi-colon 
in, which is rare since they don't occur in things like names, phone numbers, 
addresses or email addresses.

This is not a problem if you always use _prepare(), since that cannot be 
tricked by a semi-colon into processing a second command.

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