Is there a way to get a unique id from a database without actually creating a 
new row? If I have:

create table mytab (i integer primary key, j);

then I could do (pseudo-code):

insert into mytab (i) values (null);
x = result of (select last_insert_rowid() from mytab;);

for  (n=0;  n<num;  n++)     // num may be greater than or equal to zero
     insert into mytab (j) values (x);

delete from mytab where i=x;

This would give me my desired result of having a set of rows with the same 
j-value (other columns differ, of course). The insert in the for-loop is 
actually done elsewhere so it doing as above simplifies the logic. As num may 
be zero I may not in fact need the unique value. What I'd like would be a way 
of asking table mytab for a unique value that may or may not get used, but 
without the need to thereby create a row that I later have to delete.

Cheers  --  Tim
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