My db has a column called "status". This can take one of 7 or so integer values 
from 0 to 7 or so. There are times when I need a quick answer to this question: 
are there any rows in the db for which status has value 0. I don't need to know 
how many, just whether there are any or not. What's the least expensive form of 
making this query?

So far I've tried:

  select count(status) from mytable where status=0;
  select count(status) from mytable where status=0 limit 1;
  select status from mytable where status=0 limit 1;

When doing this a number of times I see some seconds of CPU being taken; I 
haven't yet pinned it down to being an SQLite problem - I'm about to do some 
timings to see where the time is going. I've added an index:

  create index stat on mytable (status asc);

and using the third form above together with an index seems to improve matters 
a bit.

If all the forms above are roughly equivalent that would be helpful to know. 
There are 3000 or so rows in the table.

Cheers  --  Tim
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