Hi Simon, Abhinav and Filip,

On 21/11/2011 11:32 AM, Simon Slavin wrote:
You have to look at the rows it returns and see how many of them there are.  If 
there's only one, that's your hit.  If there are more than one, see how many 
characters you can move along the row before they start to be different.  For 
instance suppose I have

Jones, Jenny
Smith, John
Smith, James
Zbignew, Andrew

Immediately they type 's', by looking at the two rows returned you can move all 
the way along to the 'j' before the strings are different.  The only efficient 
way to do it is programming.

Thanks for your inputs - I think I have enough material now to work from. I should be able to achieve what I'm after based on what you've said so far.

Time for me to put in my energy now :-)

Best Regards,
23/11/2011 | 2:39 AM.

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