On 11/22/2011 2:21 PM, Steffen Mangold wrote:
Oh sorry, i looked wrong. I insert this way:
INSERT INTO [filed1] VALUES '2011-01-01 08:00:00'

And because of the init of:
   [field1] time,

SQLite writes only the time to the database.

What makes you believe so? To verify your (incorrect) assumption, why don't you run

select field1 from table1;

Then read http://sqlite.org/datatype3.html

But this fails:
[field1]<  TIME(NEW.TimeStamp)
  And I don't know why

Well, now you do (or at least, you should).

and if I do this:
TIME( [field1] )<  TIME( NEW.TimeStamp )
It returns always exact the opposite of what I aspect.

What do you expect, and how does the observed outcome differ from your expectations? Preferably, show a complete example - creating a table, inserting data, running SELECT statement that produces unexpected output; enough information for the reader to reproduce the problem.
Igor Tandetnik

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