I know there have been discussions in the past about workarounds for UPSERT but 
I recently encountered another one and I haven't figure out a good workaround.  
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I have a situation where I need to increment a counter in another table every 
time a record is added or specific field is modified to a certain value.  For 
example same my record is message and it has a field called blocked.  The 
record can be inserted with blocked field set to true or false.  The fields in 
the  record may get changed/updated many times but if the blocked field gets 
changed to true I need to increment a counter (conversely if it goes from true 
to false i need to decrement the counter).

I can create a trigger that will increment and decrement the counter but the 
record changes are currently done doing INSERT OR REPLACE so record will get 
added if it doesn't exist.  The problem is, that if I create AFTER INSERT then 
I don't know what the original state of the blocked field was so I don't 
whether to increment or decrement  or leave the counter alone.  If I just 
increment when blocked=true then multiple inserts with the same value will 
cause my counter to increment multiple times for the same record. This isn't 
what I need.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I tried some of the UPSERT type of 
workarounds but so far they haven't worked for me.
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