Richard and all,

On January 6, I wrote a posting (Problems encountered while upgrading
Sqlite from 3.6.7 to 3.7.9) concerning a slow down noticed in upgrading our
Delphi application from using 3.6.17 to 3.7.9.  Richard asked for some more
specific information including a replicatable case, which has proven
problematic.  Here are the results of my week long investigation.

I created a logging system which took a specific set of data and converted
all of the automatically run queries to an SQL script which I could use in
a test application.  When testing this particular script using a test
program which uses our Delphi wrappers the following times are observed:

Test Application Run Batch Script

3.6.17: 14 seconds
3.7.9: 10 seconds

This clearly demonstrates that the newer version of Sqlite is, all things
being equal, superior in performance to the older.  However, tests inside
our Delphi application demonstrate that reaching the exact same point of
the database result in the following times:

Live Application

3.6.17: 16 seconds
3.7.9: 58 seconds

Extensive profiling of the application finally turned up an unusual and
inexplicable difference between the console application and our regular
application.  I am hoping someone on this group may have some ideas.

I created a Pascal unit whose sole purpose was to delegate to our C
standard library unit.  By having delegates in place it becomes easy to
profile the application.  This unit is used only by the Sqlite libraries.

When I execute the application with the same data as above, the following
are the top consumers of time:


Procedure               % Time    Time        Calls
_sqlite3_step           58.4%      1.79        5,052
_memcpy                 22.8%      0.69    1,342,957
_memset                  7.8%      0.24      465,299
_malloc                  1.9%      0.06       95,505


Procedure               % Time    Time        Calls
_malloc                 56.9%     44.39    6,975,335
_sqlite3_step           30.4%     23.68        5,052
_memcpy                  4.8%      3.70    7,710,259

So, obviously the problem is that _malloc is being called a much larger
number of times by 3.7.9 in this particular circumstance -- roughly 70
times as often.  _memcpy demonstrates roughly 6 times as many calls   I ran
a test with a much smaller dataset tracking every call to malloc back to
the main source line.  The results were as follows:

_sqlite3_exec calls _malloc 1,101 times
_sqlite3_step calls _malloc 1,812 times

 _sqlite3_exec calls _malloc 65,227 times
_sqlite3_step calls _malloc 47,109 times

At this point I've exhausted my avenues of research.  Does anyone have any
further ideas as to what may be going on which could cause this increase in
memory management activity?  Or any suggestions of where to look next?

John Elrick
Fenestra Technologies
sqlite-users mailing list

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