On 14 Jan 2012, at 7:24pm, Max Vlasov wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> Fast.  Fasty fast.  Speed is high.  INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE all
>> significantly faster.  SELECT is a bit faster, but there's less difference.
> Simon, very interesting. Can you make some tests related to internal
> fragmentation? As an advanced user of sqlite,  you probably will easily
> invent your own tests :), but if not  there is a test I used at least once
> INSERT INTO TestTable (id, text) VALUEs (abs(random() % (1 << 48)),
> '12345678901234567...') {the text is about 512 bytes long}

If you want to supply the CREATE command and tell me that the '...' in the 
above means that that line should continue to 512 digits, I'm happy to run the 
above.  So the speeds are not directly comparable.

I was running a real webserver app (Apache/PHP/SQLite).  But I was debugging it 
on a new laptop -- a MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Core i7 with SSD -- and noticed an 
improvement in speed over when I debugged it with an older laptop with a hard 
disk.  But the older one has two cores instead of four and the motherboard 
architecture may not be as good.  And the app does quite a few different 
things, and there's a possible ethernet bandwidth bottleneck, so it's not 
suitable as a benchtest.

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