Have you checked out "Base" from OpenOffice.org?
If you want MS Access-like functionality, it might be worth a try.
Note that Base uses HSQLDB as it's default backend, but you can replace it with SQLite
Please see:


Chris Green skrev 2012-01-17 17:05:
I'm after an application which will allow me to enter data into a sqlite
database using a 'grid' layout of the data.  I.e. I want the existing
contents of the database displayed as a table and I want to be able to
click on a field in a row and just edit the data in place.  In addition
I want to be able to use the TAB key to move from field to field
(another key would be OK, just not the mouse).  There should be an empty
row at the bottom for entering a new row.

I'm happy to use a design tool of some sort to do this although a ready
made application would be easier/quicker of course.  I don't want to
code the whole thing from scratch though.

What I want is what MS Access calls a tabular form in its design wizard
and is also what it presents you with by default if you open a table

I need this to run under Linux as a desktop application or alternatively
a web application would be fine, I have apache2 with PHP etc. running on
my desktop machine here.

I've searched around quite a lot for something that can do this for me
but haven't found anything yet.  There are lots of database management
programs (such as sqlitebrowser and sqliteman) but while they do a good
job of managing a database they're really not built for entering data.

I just want an executable I can run with database name and table name as
parameters, e.g.:-

     myDataEditor somedatabase.db tablexyz

... and it fires up a window with the rows/columns in a grid and allows
me to edit.  I don't want to have to navigate through menus and options
to get there.

Any ideas or suggestions would be very welcome.

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