Puneet Kishor wrote:
On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Bill McCormick wrote:

Puneet Kishor wrote, On 1/26/2012 12:02 PM:
$ cpanm DBD::SQLite

there is no step two

Actually, that's not correct. In my case it took the following:
Step 1: cpan DBI
Step 2: cpan DBD:SQLite

What is cpanm? A typo?


yes, I kinda assumed that you had DBI already... so, indeed, install DBI, then 
install DBD::SQLite. That is all.

DBI is a declared dependency of DBD::SQLite, so I'd expect the simple "cpan DBD::SQLite", or cpanm or cpanplus, to also install DBI if you don't have it. That's one of the reasons you use those CPAN clients, to effortlessly pull in dependencies too, essentially like package managers.

Also, cpan and cpanplus are bundled with Perl 5.10.1, but cpanm you have to install separately.

-- Darren Duncan
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